Car Battery Life: How to Make It Last Longer

car battery

July 15th, 2024 by harlalka

The lifeline of a vehicle is its battery and you have to make sure that you are taking wholesome care of it to make sure that it lasts the longest possible time. These days, the number of electrical components in cars is only going up. This means that batteries are facing a much higher load than before as far as performing powerfully on the road is concerned. If you want to make sure that your car is functioning just as you want it to and just when you want it to, you have to maintain your car battery properly.

Always make sure that you have got the correct battery for your car

This means that not only does the battery have to fit within the car physically but it should also be able to satisfy the power requirements of the electrical parts of your car.

Clean the battery terminals at consistent intervals

With the passage of time, dust gathers on the terminals of your car battery and it starts getting corroded as well. This has a bad effect on how durable it is and how well it performs. So, you must clean the terminals at regular intervals with a clean piece of cloth. This will make sure that the terminal is not cluttered, power flows smoothly through it, and it lasts long.

Be cautious regarding the self-discharge

Car batteries tend to drain out with time. However, you must never leave your car unattended for a long time – it is never a good idea. This is because that way the battery might completely discharge all the power in it and thus your car would not start when you want to use it for some reason or the other. Even if you have no intention of using the car for a long time, make sure that once every week you start it. Do this even if it is just for five minutes, and remember that five days is a much better interval in these cases.

Doing so will make sure that the battery of your car is at least in working condition.

Try to restrict the usage of electronic gadgets when the car is not running

If you keep the car idle for a long time and instead use the music system, air conditioner, and lights instead it will not do your car battery any favors. This is because this way you are putting needless pressure on the battery and damaging it in the long run. Make sure you limit battery dependency as much as is possible- more so when the engine is turned off. Also, whenever you step out of the car please remember to switch off the electronic gadgets such as the headlights.

Remember that your car battery is supposed to provide the ignition with an abrupt power burst rather than wasting it on devices such as electronics. Apart from that, the battery gets charged when the engine is on by the alternator that generates electricity.

Get the battery inspected at least once in three months

This should be a routine provided you are serious about caring properly for your car battery. As we have said already, the terminals in these batteries tend to corrode with time and this can destroy the connection between the vehicle and the battery. There is no way that you can stop this from happening but you can at least delay it. Know what the best way to do that would be? Get the car battery checked once every quarter. This way, the buildup over there will be cleared away. You can scrub it using anti-seize lubricant rather than using grease, a strict no-no in these cases.

You can also remove corrosion by using a combination of water and baking soda. Afterward, wash it with water and then dry it using a piece of cloth. You can also rub some petroleum jelly in the affected areas to prevent corrosion from happening in the future.

There are several other tips that you would do well to keep in mind in this particular context. For example, limit short trips with the car as much as possible. You must drive for longer periods and often enough for the battery to be in good enough condition. If you are not going to use the car for a long time please at least make sure that you store the battery properly. You can use a temperature-controlled chamber for the purpose. Also, buy these batteries from the top brands renowned for such products.

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